Ciudades inteligentes totalmente integrales, eficientes y sostenibles
Palabras clave:
Ingeniería sostenible, Ciudades inteligentes, Desarrollo sostenible, UrbanismoSinopsis
Smart Cities are the result of the increasingly urgent need to orient our lives towards sustainability. Therefore, these cities use infrastructure, innovation and technology to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, in order to improve the quality of life of their citizens.
Being a strategic issue that brings new challenges, the organizers request participation in the I IberoAmerican Congress of Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES 2018), which will be a discussion forum that will create synergies among different research groups to favor the development of Smart Cities, and contribute to their knowledge and integration in different scenarios, their possible development and the strategies to address them.
ICSC-CITIES 2018 will take place on September 26-27, 2018 in the Auditorium of University of Valladolid (UVa), Duques de Soria Campus (Soria, Spain), with the sponsorship of the IberoAmerican Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED).
Articles written in English submitted to the conference will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings at Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). In addition, authors of selected articles will be invited to expand their contribution for publication in a Special Issue of the Journal of the University of Antioquia (indexed in Scopus Q3 and Web of Science ESCI), to be published with IEEE ColCom.